Where can you invite a laughter workshop?

Laughter workshops are a fun and engaging group activity, perfect for both corporate events and private celebrations.

Birthday party

How to organize an unforgettable birthday party?

Incorporating laughter yoga into your celebration is a fun, healthy, and unifying way to mark your special day. It brings exciting experiences and positive energy to your party, creating lasting memories for you and your guests.


Add a touch of lightness to your conference or corporate event with laughter workshop breaks. I help participants relieve stress, unleash their creativity, and feel more connected as a team.

Team Building

Company summer days are the perfect opportunity to strengthen employee bonds and foster a true sense of teamwork. A laughter workshop is the ideal way to achieve this.

Miks naerda?

Naerukoolituse positiivne mõju

Täiskasvanutena on tihtipeale südamest naermine unarusse jäänud. Pärast naerukoolitust tunnevad osalejad end rahuloleva ja elurõõmsana ning ollakse täis teotahet ja motivatsiooni.












Epp Priimägi

Epp Priimägi is a mother of three, a teacher, a coach, and a supervisor who has worked as a laughter educator for over 15 years. Epp brings a certain playfulness, fun, joy, and definitely an open and sincere smile – this is exactly what helps her navigate any situation.


Joy is one of the essential values that accompanies me in life. I believe it exists within every person. Joy, laughter, and playfulness have been my inherent qualities throughout my life. It is said that one should put their strengths to work for themselves, and I can say that laughter is my special skill that I have developed within myself.


I love laughter, and I enjoy when people around me laugh and find the courage to engage in such a natural activity. My heart races when I see that I have brought joy to someone, when I can help bring out someone’s fun, playfulness, and joy… I enjoy my various jobs with people, I love being in nature, and I love learning…


It’s strange to think that laughter has to be learned, but in my 15 years of experience as a trainer, I have heard many people say that they laugh little and even less aloud. Yet laughter is one of the simplest ways to relax, to clear one’s mind of worries, and to consciously counter stress. However, many people are afraid to express their joy and laughter and have buried it deep inside themselves.

Laughter training for the company

Who has laughed with us?

A laughter workshop for teams is a group activity that enhances teamwork, improves workplace relationships, and stimulates creativity and productivity. After a laughter yoga session, the office atmosphere is sure to be more positive, open, and motivated.

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